Frequently Asked Questions
To answer some of your questions as quickly as possible, we’ve compiled a list of those most frequently asked by Riverside Traditional parents. Be sure to read more throughout this website and in our student handbook/manual estudiantil so you’re well-informed and prepared to support your child through a successful educational journey.
- May I visit my child’s classroom?
- My child is have difficulty with some subjects. Do you offer tutoring?
- What should I do if my child must miss a day of school?
- What is Operation STRIVE?
- My child has lost his library book. What should we do about it?
- How often does Riverside School hold parent/teacher conferences?
- When do you give out student report cards?
- Is there a school uniform or dress code?
- Is there a nurse on campus?
- My child must take medication during school hours. What is your policy?
- If my child is injured on campus while at school, will the school’s insurance cover his/her medical costs?
- Is there a school library where my child can do research and check out books?
- Is there a Lost and Found on campus?
- How much does a school lunch cost, and how should I pay for it?
- What is the school’s discipline policy?
May I visit my child’s classroom?
We welcome visiting parents, guardians, and patrons on the campus. Please check in at the office and pick up a visitor’s pass when you do. We do not allow you to bring friends, relatives, or younger brothers or sisters to visit.
My child is have difficulty with some subjects. Do you offer tutoring?
Yes. Riverside School offers on-campus optional, and mandatory, tutoring/homework through supplementary and academic services. You may arrange tutoring with individual teachers before or after school, at lunchtime, or through our grade level Curriculum-Mapper Academic Program. Students involved in these programs receive assistance free of charge from certified teachers. They also have access to computers and a quiet learning environment. Participating students are authorized to ride the late activity bus after attending these sessions.
What should I do if my child must miss a day of school?
Success in school is dependent upon regular attendance. If your child must be absent, please call the attendance clerk before school. If a telephone call is not possible, a note taken to the attendance office immediately upon your return to school will suffice. If you know your child will be absent ahead of time, please contact the attendance clerk as soon as you are aware. Please see the student handbook/manual estudiantil for more detailed information regarding our attendance policy.
What is Operation STRIVE?
Operation STRIVE is a mandatory attendance policy we promote in conjunction with the City of Phoenix. Its purpose is to keep students in school. Please read the student handbook/manual estudiantil for more information about Operation STRIVE.
My child has lost his library book. What should we do about it?
Furnished textbooks, student identification cards (picture I.D.), library books, and athletic uniforms and equipment are your responsibility. If your child loses or damages it, you will need to pay for a replacement. Even if the item is stolen—you are responsible for it. We will not allow your child to participate in any extra-curricular activity or attend school events, other than regular classes, until he/she takes care of this obligation.
How often does Riverside School hold parent/teacher conferences?
You may schedule a parent/teacher conference through the teacher at any point during the year. We hold formal conferences twice a year; we'll send notices home.
When do you give out student report cards?
We issue report cards following each nine-week period. In addition, we send home four-week progress reports each quarter. We hope this will allow students who are having difficulty to improve before report cards come out. Nine-week grades are an indication of progress. Only semester grades become a part of the student's permanent record.
Is there a school uniform or dress code?
Yes. We expect all students to follow the Riverside Uniform Dress Code. Students need to keep themselves well-groomed and neatly dressed at all times. We will not permit any form of dress or hairstyle contrary to good hygiene or that is distractive or disruptive in appearance. All of our students wear the standard school uniform. Below is a description of our school uniform:
- Boys: Solid red shirt with a collar and sleeves (short or long) or a crew neck shirt. No visible logos on the shirt. Collar shirts may be a polo-type shirt or a dress shirt. Khaki pants or shorts, with NO LOGOS OF ANY KIND. No denim or corduroy allowed for either top or bottom.
- Girls: Solid red shirt with a collar and sleeves (short or long) or a crew neck shirt. No visible logos on the shirt. Collar shirts may be a polo-type shirt or a blouse. Khaki pants, walking shorts, jumper, skirt, or “skorts” with no visible logos. No parachute, denim, corduroy, or stretch fabric allowed for either top or bottom.
Occasionally the principal may allow a “spirit day” such as “Crazy Hat Day," “Crazy Sock Day,” and “Crazy Hair Day," where students wear clothing other than the mandatory uniform. This will be on special occasions only. We will notify you prior to the spirit day. All other dress code standards will still apply. Please refer to the student handbook/manual estudiantil to read the district dress code.
Is there a nurse on campus?
The school has a full-time licensed practical nurse on duty to administer the health program. The health office is an emergency station but is not equipped to take care of any serious illness. If your child becomes seriously ill or injured at school, he/she should report to the nearest adult, health office, or other office personnel immediately. He/she must not leave school without permission from the licensed practical nurse or office personnel under any circumstances. Every student must have a hall pass from his/her teacher before entering the health office. We do not all students to go to the health office between classes except in an extreme emergency.
My child must take medication during school hours. What is your policy?
The child's parent/guardian is fully responsible for the supply, appropriate transportation, and maintenance of prescription medication. The medication must be in the original container from the pharmacy. Parents must complete and sign the consent form for giving medication at school. The prescribing physician must also sign the consent form. Medication must come to the health assistant in a prescription container stating the name of the student, the name of the medication, the dosage, and the time the child must take it. The student handbook/manual estudiantil has more information on this subject.
If my child is injured on campus while at school, will the school’s insurance cover his/her medical costs?
Riverside School does not provide medical insurance coverage for school accidents. You are responsible for any medical bills if your child gets hurt during school activities. If your child does not have other health coverage, student insurance may also be used to help pay those charges not covered by other insurance. If your child qualifies for Medicare, please pick up a copy of the “Important Notice to Persons on Medicare” from our front office.
Is there a school library where my child can do research and check out books?
The school library is open from 7:30 a.m. until the end of the school day. With a hall pass, students may go to the library during a class period to do reference work. Students may check out all materials in the media center; some on an overnight loan, others for periods up to two weeks. Please do not take any books or materials from the library without checking them out at the desk. Students will need a student I.D. to check out all library materials.
Is there a Lost and Found on campus?
We will put all clothing and other articles found at school in an area in the office. We encourage you to label all clothing, musical instruments, and other personal items. Please write the student’s name in ink on all notebooks; use a permanent black marker or something that will not easily come off. Periodically throughout the year, we will make charitable donations of left-over inventory.
How much does a school lunch cost, and how should I pay for it?
Students may purchase full lunches from the cafeteria. We also have snack bar services available during the lunch period. The cost for a full-price lunch is $2.50. Students who qualify for reduced-price lunches pay $.40.
You may establish the accounts in the cafeteria by cash or by check. Please make these deposits in the cafeteria before school. Students can access their account by entering their account number onto the keypad and/or swiping their I.D.
What is the school’s discipline policy?
When students respect the rights of others, they are not negatively affected by a discipline plan. Misbehavior is costly because it takes valuable learning time away from the other students who accept their responsibilities as students. We will deal with all forms of misbehavior swiftly with a minimum of disruption to the class or school. Please see the student handbook/manual estudiantil for our specific disciplinary guidelines. We have provided them for your information so that those who choose to break the rules will know what consequences they will receive for their misbehavior.